ColorCodes are always defined with a & character. A list of possible ColorColdes can be found here. Please use the CHAT CODE column from the displayed table and replace the § character with the & character.
If you downloaded the BungeeSystem and started the server, you should now have created a folder called BungeeSystem in your plugins folder. Now open this folder and edit the config.yml.
Enter license
Add your private license in the config.yml. If you don't have one yet, open a support ticket on my discord server.
Why do I need a private license? The answer is here
license: ""
Set the database type in config.yml.
Set database: "mysql" to store your data in a MySQL database. You can access the data across servers. To connect to MySQL database open the file mysql.yml and enter your MySQL data.
Set database: "sql" to store your data locally on the server. This data can then only be accessed by this one server. For this purpose the plugin creates a folder named database in the plugins folder. In this folder the database file database.db will be created.
Default language
With LanguageAPI
If you have my LanguageAPI for BungeeCord, you can omit the
defaultLanguage: "english" item, since the player's language is managed through it. Just make sure that you have set all messages in the languages that are set in the config.yml of the LanguageAPI.
For example, if you support English, German and Spanish, in this case you will have to copy the messages to e.g. English and paste it at the end of the file and translate each language.
Just like with the single file system you only have to copy the english.yml file and change it to the name of the language. In the example with the spanish language to español.yml. (If you have set the language as español in the config.yml of the LanguageAPI).
Otherwise have a look at the language setting in LanguageAPI. Click here
Without LanguageAPI
But if you didn't buy my LanguageAPI, you can set the default language of the BungeeSystem under defaultLanguage: "english". This means that every player gets all messages of the plugin in this language.
Under the item servername: "" you can enter the name/domain name of your network. This name will be used by some modules.
Here you can find a list of all modules that are included in the BungeeSystem. On the next pages you will find more information about each module.
Auto broadcast
Discord Bot
Punishment System
You can enable or disable each module individually. For example, if you already have a friends system, you can leave the friend: false setting in config.yml set to false. Each module is turned off (disabled) by default.
In the options section you can set certain things for each module.
Default configuration
# The standard license is only valid for 7 days. Please request your private license on my Discord (link:
# You have to present your bill to prove that you bought the LanguageAPI.license:""# Insert "mysql" to use mysql (cross-server access) or insert "sql" to use local database (only local servers have access)
database:"mysql"# if LanguageAPI NOT enabled, what is the default-Language for this system (LanguageAPI by HerrTechniker)defaultLanguage:"english"# set her your server name. That can be displayed for example on the ban-/kick screen.servername:""# prefix of the bungeesystemprefix:"&7[&6BungeeSystem&7]&r"# gave a player full rights of the BungeeSystem to execute every command (recommended for the owners)permission:"bungeesystem.*"# if you have the permission (see above) you will get an ingame message that a new update is releasedupdater:false# Here you can enable every single module, that the BungeeSystem supportmodules:autoBroadcast:falsebroadcast:falsechat:falsecloudnet:v3:falsediscord:falsefriend:falsejoinme:falsejumpto:falselobby:falsemotd:falsemove:falsemsg:falseonlineteam:falseonlinetime:falseparty:falsepartychat:falseping:falsepull:falsepunishment:ban:falsekick:falsemute:falsereport:falseteamchat:false# Here you can edit every setting from a moduleoptions:broadcast:prefix:"&7[&6Broadcast&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.broadcast.use"aliases: - "bc"chat:prefix:"&7[&fChat&7]&r"permission:"" # you can read every chat message on every server except for the ingame-chat. This chat is only readable on the server where the player is
ingameChatName:"ingame"chats: - "bedwars" - "skywars" - "gungame" - "mlgrush"aliases: []cloudnet:teamGroups: - "Owner" - "Admin" - "Moderator" - "Supporter" - "Developer" - "Builder"discord:prefix:"&5Discord &8|&r"# permission to execute '/link <user id>'-command and '/verify <code>'-commandpermission:"bungeesystem.discordverify.use" # using webhook for the chat messages in discord instead of the bot. The message from the bot is everytime as an embed (recommed)
usingWebhook:true# should be the message in an embed (for the webhook).usingEmbedForWebhook:false# if enabled and the module chat also then the Discord channels are added to the channels of the chat moduleswitchChat:false# if enabled all attachments will be ignored. # If disabled the player will get a message that a user send a video or an image that can not be displayed in the minecraft chat.
ignoreAttachments:false# set a time which effect the synchronisation between minecraft and discord. # That means every x seconds the system will look if their a new player that linked minecraft with discord and it will sync roles and other stuff.
# sync time in seconds (default = 600 seconds => 10 minutes)syncTime:600 # When the synchronisation is finished, should the player receive a message or not (true = the player receives a message)
syncMessage:false# set a time which effect the synchronisation between minecraft and discord.# That means every x seconds the system checks if the player still has the same permissions.# If not, the rank is removed from Discord and reassigned to the rank the player has in Minecraft.# sync time in seconds (default = 1200 seconds => 20 minutes)repeatSyncTime:1200aliases:link: []unlink: []verify: []discord: []friend:prefix:"&7[&9Friends&7]&r"jumpToMessage:true# permission ; max Requests# -1 = unlimiteddefaultRequests:100maxRequests: - "bungeesystem.friends.requests.150;150" - "bungeesystem.friends.requests.256;256" - "bungeesystem.friends.requests.unlimited;-1"# permission ; max Friends# -1 = unlimiteddefaultFriends:100maxFriends: - "bungeesystem.friends.friends.150;150" - "bungeesystem.friends.friends.256;256" - "bungeesystem.friends.friends.unlimited;-1"# if cloudnet v3 is enabled, please insert the cloudnet task, if not insert server names # if player connect to this server/task, all friends will get the switch message. if the message is enabled with the friend toggleswitch command
whitelist: - "BedWars4x1" - "BedWars4x2" - "BedWars4x4" - "MLGRush" - "GunGame"aliases: - "freunde" - "freund" - "friends"joinme:prefix:"&7[&6JoinMe&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.joinme.use"permissionCooldown:"bungeesystem.joinme.cooldown"switchServerMessage:trueavailableSelfSetting:false# how long is the joinme available in secondsavailable:20# the global delay (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)globalCooldown:10# the delay for the player (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)defaultCooldown:30whitelist: - "BedWars4x1" - "BedWars4x2" - "BedWars4x4" - "MLGRush" - "GunGame"aliases: - "jm"jumpto:prefix:"&7[&3JumpTo&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.jumpto.use"switchMessage:truealiases: - "jump"lobby:prefix:"&7[&6System&7]&r"switchMessage:falsealiases: - "hub" - "leave" - "l"msg:prefix:"&6MSG &7|&r"aliases: []motd:maintenance:permission:"bungeesystem.maintenance.use"aliases: - "wartung"move:prefix:"&7[&dMove&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.move.use"aliases: []onlineteam:prefix:"&bTeamonline &7|&r"countOfTeamGroups:6teamGroups:1:name:"&4Owner"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.owner"2:name:"&cAdmin"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.admin"3:name:"&1Moderator"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.moderator"4:name:"&9Supporter"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.supporter"5:name:"&bDeveloper"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.developer"6:name:"&2Builder"permission:"bungeesystem.onlineteam.builder"aliases: - "ao" - "adminonline"onlinetime:prefix:"&7[&bOnlineTeime&7]&r"show:seconds:trueminutes:truehours:truedays:trueyears:truealiases: - "ot"party:prefix:"&7[&5PARTY&7]&r"switchServerMessage:true # if cloudnet v3 in modules-section enabled, please enter the tasks where the party members do not connect with the party leader
whitelist: - "BedWars4x1" - "BedWars4x2" - "BedWars4x4" - "MLGRush" - "GunGame" # the value of default Members has a minimum of 2. By another unsupported value an error message will send with "Info defaultMembers error"
defaultMembers:8maxMembers: - ";16" - ";32" - ";-1"aliases: - "p"partychat:prefix:"&7[&5PartyChat&7]&r"aliases: - "pc"ping:prefix:"&7[&9Ping&7]&r"permission:""aliases: []pull:prefix:"&7[&bPull&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.pull.use"aliases: []punishment:ban:prefix:"&7[&6BanSystem&7]&r"autoBan:false# how many points for permanent banpermanent:100autoBanOperatorName:"AutoBanSystem"autoBanOperatorUUID:"00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001"autoBanReason:"auto ban"banReasons:6infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []reduceBan:prefix:"&7[&6BanSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []tempBan:prefix:"&7[&6BanSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []unban:prefix:"&7[&6BanSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []banPoints:prefix:"&7[&6BanSystem&7]&r"aliases: []# check command only activated, if ban or/and mute module is activatedcheck:prefix:"&6Check &8|&r"aliases: []history:prefix:"&6History &8|&r"aliases: - "h"kick:prefix:"&6Kick &8|&r"webhook:falsealiases: - "k"mute:prefix:"&7[&6MuteSystem&7]&r"autoMute:false# how many points for permanent mutepermanent:100autoMuteOperatorName:"AutoMuteSystem"autoMuteOperatorUUID:"00000002-0002-0002-0002-000000000002"autoMuteReason:"auto mute"muteReasons:4infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []reduceMute:prefix:"&7[&6MuteSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []tempMute:prefix:"&7[&6MuteSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []unmute:prefix:"&7[&6MuteSystem&7]&r"infoMessageOther:truewebhook:falsealiases: []mutePoints:prefix:"&7[&6MuteSystem&7]&r"aliases: []report:prefix:"&7[&cReport&6System&7]&r"teamInfoMessage:truewebhook:falsealiases: - "r"reports:prefix:"&7[&cReport&6System&7]&r"aliases: []permissions:ban:"bungeesystem.punishment.ban"banPoints:"bungeesystem.punishment.banpoints"unban:"bungeesystem.punishment.unban"mute:"bungeesystem.punishment.mute"mutePoints:"bungeesystem.punishment.mutepoints"unmute:"bungeesystem.punishment.unmute"check:"bungeesystem.punishment.check"history:"bungeesystem.punishment.history"kick:"bungeesystem.punishment.kick"reduceBan:"bungeesystem.punishment.reduceBan"reduceMute:"bungeesystem.punishment.reduceMute"tempMute:"bungeesystem.punishment.tempMute"tempBan:"bungeesystem.punishment.tempBan"# to report a player (player permission)report:""# to see the reports and check them (team permission)reports:"bungeesystem.punishment.reports"punishmentBypass:"bungeesystem.punishment.punishmentbypass"teamchat:prefix:"&7[&5Teamchat&7]&r"permission:"bungeesystem.teamchat.use"aliases: - "tc"