
Setting up a Discord bot can be difficult for some people. However, if you know how, it's very easy.


Create a bot

Step 1: Open website

Go to the following website: Developers Application

Step 2: Create

Click on New Application at the top right

Step 3: Assign names

Enter a name for the bot, accept the Terms of Service and the Developer Policy

Step 4: Token reset

Reset token to display it.

Do not share your token, if you do, the person/people can start your bot and do bad things with it.

Step 5: Confirm reset

Confirm reset and then copy token

Save the token, as we will need it later!

Step 6: Invite

Next, you create an invitation link

Step 7:

Next, copy the link and open it in a new window.

Step 8: Select server

In the next window, click on Authorize.

The bot should now be visible on your Discord server.

Developer Mode

Now activate the Developer Mode to set up the Discord Bot module correctly.

You can activate developer mode in the settings under Advanced.

Last updated