
Create a "link" where other players can jump into your rounds.



The prefix is used by default for each message. It can be set in the message files at the beginning of each message. To set it simply write %prefix% (placeholder). This will then be replaced by the system with the prefix entered in config.yml.

prefix: "&7[&6JoinMe&7]&r"


Here you can enter the permission that the player needs to use the joinme command.

permission: "bungeesystem.joinme.use"

Permission Cooldown

Here you can enter the permission the player needs to use the cooldown setting of the joinme command.

But for this the setting availableSelfSetting must be set to true.

permissionCooldown: "bungeesystem.joinme.cooldown"


If this setting is set to true, the player who clicked on the joinme message will see the message that he switched servers.

switchServerMessage: true


If this setting is true, each player can set the countdown (countdown in seconds) for his next joinme.

availableSelfSetting: false


Here you can set how long a joinme is available. The time is given in seconds.

# how long is the joinme available in seconds
available: 20


This setting specifies when the next join can be created. (specifications in seconds)

# the global delay (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)
globalCooldown: 10


The defaultCooldown is the time in seconds that must elapse before the player can create a new joinme again. (-1 to disable)

# the delay for the player (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)
defaultCooldown: 30


The whitelist contains the servers where you can execute the joinme command. If CloudNet v3 is enabled, you have to enter the task name here. If CloudNet v3 is not activated, enter the individual names of the servers as they are entered in the config of the BungeeCord server.

  - "BedWars4x1"
  - "BedWars4x2"
  - "BedWars4x4"
  - "MLGRush"
  - "GunGame"


You can also define so-called aliases that you can enter instead of /joinme. For this you simply add further points under the point aliases.

  - "jm"

Default configuration

prefix: "&7[&6JoinMe&7]&r"
permission: "bungeesystem.joinme.use"
permissionCooldown: "bungeesystem.joinme.cooldown"
switchServerMessage: true
availableSelfSetting: false
# how long is the joinme available in seconds
available: 20
# the global delay (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)
globalCooldown: 10
# the delay for the player (in seconds) for the next joinme (-1 for disable)
defaultCooldown: 30
  - "BedWars4x1"
  - "BedWars4x2"
  - "BedWars4x4"
  - "MLGRush"
  - "GunGame"
  - "jm"



Last updated