Play with other players so that only one needs to go on the server and everyone else follows.
The prefix is used by default for each message. It can be set in the message files at the beginning of each message. To set it simply write %prefix%
(placeholder). This will then be replaced by the system with the prefix entered in config.yml
If this setting is set to true
, the message that the party has changed the server will be displayed when the server is changed.
If you are using CloudNet v3, the 1st step is to enable the CloudNet v3 module under modules in config.yml
Then enter the task name here.
If CloudNet v3 is not enabled, you enter the individual names of the servers as they are entered in the config of the BungeeCord server.
Here you enter the default size of the party's each player may have.
The minimum number of the party has to be 2!
With a value of -1
, there is no limit to the maximum number of players in a party.
Here you can define how many players can be in a party using bungeecord permissions.
The structure is as follows: permission;number of players
You can also define so-called aliases that you can enter instead of /party. For this you simply add further points under the point aliases
Default Configuration
/party help
Displays the help page
/party list
Shows all players in the party
/party leave
Leave a party
/party toggleinvites
Enable/Disable party invitations
/party accept <player>
Accept a party invitation
/party deny <player>
Deny a party invitation
/party kick <player>
Exclude a player from your party
/party invite <player>
Invite a player to your party
Party chat is for sending messages to the party. Players can see these when they are in the party.
The prefix is used by default for each message. It can be set in the message files at the beginning of each message. To set it simply write %prefix%
(placeholder). This will then be replaced by the system with the prefix entered in config.yml
You can also define so-called aliases that you can enter instead of /partychat. For this you simply add further points under the point aliases
Default configuration
Last updated